Monday 9 February 2015

It's shocking!

A few months ago we were told that the relevant necessary people had viewed the block and said that it was all fine.

I argued with PD (unsuccessfully, I might add) about the need for an underground pit. PD gave a number of reasons, most of which were invalid as the above ground power lines were already there (and in the way)! Putting a pit in does not remove the above ground power lines and the risks that they can pose.

So, image my surprise that NOW it's a problem! PD want to talk to Powercor, why, I have no idea. I do not see what they can do.

So, $4600 later, we have a pit. Which Powercor put in ahead of time and looks like this:

Yes, the 30cm odd concrete plate is all we see. I'd asked for it to be inside our property, but that is not permitted (and no one told me). It has to be in the 'road reserve', that's a footpath to us mortals.

Oh, and we get shiny new bits as well!

Three phase power, here we come!

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